Wealth management is more than what you do — it’s also who you know. Savino Advisory Group is here to help guide your retirement income planning so you can enjoy the life you were always meant to lead.

For example, once you know the answer to, “How much do I need to retire?”, Savino Advisory Group can show you how to maximize Social Security and turn your retirement assets into secure income that will last as long as you live. Savino Advisory Group has the resources to provide the same retirement income planning benefits and services of larger firms, but we also take the time to form a personal connection with our clients in Orange County.

Leveraging Your Income to Build Your Retirement

Retirement planning in Orange County starts with making sure your monthly income need is met with secure paychecks, including maximizing your Social Security benefits. This is what Tom Savino specializes in. Once your fixed expenses are covered, he will tailor your plan to include the money for your retirement goals: travel, leaving a legacy, hobbies and more.

When our clients ask, “How much do I need to retire?”, Tom learns about your lifestyle, risk tolerance and goals. Then, he recommends that you “Don’t Live a Just in Case Retirement.” This means having a retirement income plan with secure monthly income, money in the market to offset inflation and the peace of mind that lets you enjoy retirement.

Explore our opportunities

Retirement Income Planning

Long-Term Care

Assets Under Management

Maximizing Social Security

Leaving a Legacy

Retirement Income Planning

The questions of “How to plan your retirement income?” and “How much do I need to retire in Orange County” come with a lot of unknowns that can stop your retirement planning before you even get started. Savino Advisory Group understands just how daunting it can be to consider “How much do I need to retire?”, which is why we give you the guidance you need to start laying a solid foundation down now. Your retirement income is the key to preserving your quality of life. Whether you’re approaching retirement age or not, it’s never too late to contact Savino Advisory Group, who can direct you to a smarter path.

 How much do I need to retire?

Retirement income planning comes with a standard set of rules that can be applied to practically anyone in the Newport Beach and Orange County, Calif., area. However, how to plan your retirement income takes more than cookie-cutter advice. Tom Savino is here to help you make your portfolio thrive for a retirement that could last 30+ years, potentially pay far less taxes on your retirement income and cover long-term care costs without expensive premiums. The best part is that Tom will make sure your assets are positioned in line with your risk tolerance. Reaching the retirement age should be a celebration to a better phase in your life. Retirement income planning in Orange County is unique to everyone as no two people or couples are the same.


Maximizing Social Security

“When is the best time to start taking Social Security?” “How do I maximize my benefits?” These are common questions for people in Orange County. And to maximize Social Security benefits, Savino Advisory Group partners with Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff, the country’s leading expert on Social Security. The analysis performed tells our clients exactly when to start taking Social Security and which benefits they qualify for.

Long-Term Care

Long-Term Care (LTC) is the #1 unfunded risk in retirement! LTC insurance protects your assets from the costs of extended healthcare. Savino Advisory Group understands the realities of needing LTC, how this impacts families and finances in Orange County and recommends policies that leverage their clients’ assets 2 to 5 times. The policies provide LTC coverage, the option to refund your premiums and a death benefit if LTC isn’t needed.

Assets Under Management

Assets Under Management services offered by Savino Advisory Group use simple strategies designed to capitalize on market gains, minimize losses and eliminate emotion from decision-making. Tom Savino uses a tested portfolio management structure when the S&P deteriorates with a proprietary stop loss and re-entry methodology. Clients in Orange County have minimal downside risk and maximum upside potential.

Leaving a Legacy

Savino Advisory Group understands that pre-retirees and retirees in Orange County are concerned about leaving a legacy  to their families and charitable organizations. As part of the entire retirement plan, Tom Savino makes recommendations for using life insurance to meet these goals. With life insurance, an immediate legacy is built, allowing retirees to use their retirement assets for fixed expenses and dreams, knowing that their loved ones will be provided for.